Christadelphian Literature in Sinhala
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Public site for Sri Lanka by Perth Christadelphians
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After Death What? (F. Pearce)
Bible Companion (R. Roberts)
Bible our Guide (H.W. Goldsbrough)
Bible Prophecy (F. Pearce)
Bible Q & A (formerly CBM’s “Preparing for Baptism”)
Bible Reading Planner (CALS)
Christ is Coming (Tec Morgan)
Cross of Christ (Peter Watkins)
Divine Origin of the Bible (Reg Carr)
Do Christians need Priests? (Michael Ashton)
God is One not a Trinity (James and Deb Flint)
God our Father (Mark Drabbenstott)
Holy Spirit – power or person? (Mike Bull)
Israel and the Purpose of God (South Asia edition)
Kingdom of God on Earth (Stanley Owen)
Living the Truth (Len Richardson)
Raised to Judgment (Michael Ashton)
Salvation (James Flint)
The Christadelphians (Rob Hyndman)
Tongues of Angels (Steven Cox)
Who is Jesus? (Paul Zilmer)
Why Baptism really matters (Fred Pearce)
Why does God allow suffering? (Louis Sargent)
Your Share in God’s Promises (David Pearce)