Christadelphian Literature in Cambodian

Every Sunday a team from Phnom Pehn head out into the province of Kampong Speu to teach a Sunday school of about 100. We wake early in the morning to travel and see the sun rise as we eat breakfast in the markets of the province. When we arrive at the Sunday school the children are already there and waiting eagerly for us. We begin with a prayer and start teaching. A little Bible, English and some games. The games are happy and enthusiastic, with screams and yells to urge people on to win. After Sunday school has concluded we eat a snack and the older boys jump over the fence to a small school to play soccer. As a surprise last weekend we brought new soccer uniforms for the boys to use, and the smiles on their faces were well worth it. We then renew our energy with lunch. What the team going out to the province do, is not only teach the SS but they also help out family's who have work that needs doing. On one particular week we went out to the rice fields to help with the rice harvesting. It was a beautiful experience, to cut rice with a sickle and bind them in sheaves. You had to be very careful not to cut yourself though, as the sickles are very very sharp. Once done we cooled off in a cool lake before riding the moto's home again. It was an amazing cultural experience, and one that i would not miss again for the world! Rosie​.