Christadelphians believe that their name is scriptural and apostolic. The "one body" of which Christ is the Head should not be nameless; but "Christian" has ceased to be distinctive, and for centuries has been mocked by wars between nations in which both sides professed Christianity.
In Psalm 22, which is prophetic of Christ, believers in him are spoken of as "my brethren", and the Epistle to the Hebrews, quoting the words, says, "He is not ashamed to call them brethren" (Heb. 2:11-12). "Christ's Brethren" is in Greek Christou Adelphoi, and from this name Christadelphian is formed.
1. That there is but ONE GOD, THE FATHER. He dwells in the Heavens, yet through His outflowing energy is everywhere present. He alone is essentially immortal, being the fountain of all life, the Maker and Sustainer of everything that is.
2. That there is ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, Son of God and Son of Man, who was born of a virgin mother by the operation of the Holy Spirit. He revealed the Father to men, for God was in him. He is the bringer of life, because he died in order that sin might be repudiated and forgiveness made possible, and rose in order that through him men might have salvation.
3. That the Spirit is the power of God filling all space, through which He works what He wills to do.
4. That man was formed of the dust, and condemned to return to dust because of sin. Men breathe the same breath and live by the same kind of physical life as the animals.
5. That immortality belongs to the future, for it will be life in an incorruptible body. It will be received as a gift by those who have faith in what God has revealed and obey what He has commanded. The idea that the "soul" of man is naturally immortal comes from pagan philosophy, and has no place in Scripture.
6. That life is ended by death, and can only be restored by resurrection. Both those who have obeyed and those who have disobeyed God will be raised for judgment; but while the one class will receive eternal life, the other will return to death without end.
7. That the Lord Jesus Christ is to return from the heavens where he ascended, to raise and to judge the dead, and to set up his Kingdom. This will be the Kingdom of David restored, in the land promised to Abraham; but Christ's rule will be extended over the whole earth, and all nations will share in its blessings.
8. That the Devil is not a supernatural being, but the principal in human nature which gives all men a bent towards sin.
9. That Hell is the Bible name for the grave, or the unseen state. As there are no "immortal souls" there cannot be a place of fiery torment for them. Where in the New Testament "hell" stands for Gehenna in the original, it means a place of destruction for those who are rejected at Christ's coming.
10. That Eternal Life is offered only to those who believe the Gospel, render obedience to it by baptism in the name of Christ, and continue to obey his commands. The Gospel is defined as "The things concerning the Kingdom of God, and the Name of Jesus Christ"; and baptism requires complete immersion in water.
11. That the Earth is promised as the inheritance of Christ and those who are saved through him. it will therefore remain as their lasting home.
12. That the men and women accepted by Christ at his return, and given eternal life, are to reign with him for a thousand years. Their subjects will be the mortal peoples of all nations; but at the end of this period death will be wiped out, and the earth will be filled only with an immortal race in perfect harmony with God, who will be "all in all".